
 We believe that we’re better together. We’re committed to planting churches that will help disciple new believers and do new works of grace in the communities that we’re a part of.

God’s plan to change the World has always been the establishment of new churches.

“Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” Jesus replied, “You are blessed, Simon son of John, because my Father in heaven has revealed this to you. You did not learn this from any human being. Now I say to you that you are Peter (which means ‘rock’), and upon this rock I will build my church, and all the powers of hell will not conquer it. And I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven. Whatever you forbid on earth will be forbidden in heaven, and whatever you permit on earth will be permitted in heaven.”
- Matthew 16:16-19

We believe in working together with other churches, meaning we play an active role in several church planting networks like ARC (Association of Related Churches) and CMN (Church Multiplication Network) along with our local church planting expression (Freedom Valley Network). We have also partnered with the Gettysburg Ministerium of Churches to stand for unity among believers in Gettysburg and Adams County.

We know that A HEALTHY church REPRODUCES because healthy disciples make more disciples!